Reminders to yourself

It will get better. It will be better

Even when I am at my lowest, I deserve
love and kindness.

Even when I'm low, I am strong 

I do not deserve to feel pain 

Healing takes time and I will stick around to feel happiness + love 

I can make it through every battle. I am powerful.

I HAVE made it through battles. I am powerful 

I will Live

I will Love 

I am brave I am strong I can do this 

I look beautiful. I am beautiful. I don't feel it all the time, but I am still beautiful 

I am intelligent, kind, worthy 

I am not defined by my mistakes or my regrets.
I will improve for myself. I am brave!

I deserve love and kindness. I deserve to feel happy, healthy, and hopeful. I am loved. 

I will Live

I will Love 

I should take care of my body 

I should eat enough 

I should sleep enough

I should thank myself for carrying me
all this way despite it all! 

I will Live

I will Love 



compilation of motivational quotes found on tumblr-nights-rooms + personal edits
ashfa therapy center